Vaccines for International Travel

Philosophy of Travel Health

An international Odyssey is inherently challenging. The modern Ulysses is confronted with unfamiliar languages, transportation trials, and inopportune illnesses. But adventures defines overseas travel.. Our objective is to help you transform obstacles into exhilarating exploits.


Consider the past. In the 20th Century, more people died from smallpox than all the combined military deaths in World War I and II, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq war.

It’s the 21st Century. Vaccines have now eradicated smallpox. But other diseases persist. And we’ve got vaccines for many of them. Which ones do you need – dukerol, menactra, typhoid? We provide personalized vaccination programs, built around your risk factors.

Yellow Fever Certified

Yellow fever vaccination is a legal requirement for travel into some countries. International Medical Services has been a licensed yellow fever centre under the Public Health Agency of Canada since 1988.


The global killer. There’s “universal acceptance” [footnote 1?] that preventive medicine (“prophylaxis”) is indispensible. But not all antimalarials are equal. Doxycycline can harm a fetus. Chloroquine can give blacks itchy skin. We’ll help you pick the best antimalarial for your needs.


Injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths in travelers [footnote 2?]. Our travel consultations prepare you to thoughtfully engage new cultural environments and to be an alert traveler.

"Economy Class Syndrome"

AKA Deep-vein thrombosis: blood pooling that can occur in long-haul flights. At your consult, we’ll assess your risk. Preventive measures (e.g. graduated compression stockings) may be advised.

Pregnant? With children?

A rewarding experience. But problems can arise: premature birth, diarrhea in infants, blistering sunburns, etc. We’ll help prepare you to overcome these challenges.

The universally fatal disease

Without treatment, rabies kills everyone it infects. You could be at high risk going to Africa or Asia.

Good news. A vaccine is available.

Footnotes: 1. Kain, Kevin. (2008). Malaria Chemoprophylaxis. In Keystone, J. S. et. al (Eds.), Travel medicine. 2nd ed. London: Mosby Elsevier. 2. Sleet, David & Ballesteros, Michael. (2012). Injuries & Safety. In G. W. Brunette (ed.), CDC health information for international travel 2012: the yellow book. Edinburgh: Mosby.

About Us

Since 1936, International Medical Services (IMS) has strategically promoted safety and travel illness prevention. We have extensive experience sending short and long term expatriates to every continent and major travel destination (including Antarctica).

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International Medical Services

We've moved! Starting Monday, July 31, 2023, find us at our new location:

220 Duncan Mill Road, Suite 511
North York, ON M3B 3J5

Call for AppointmentTue from 2 - 4:30pm
Fri from 1 - 3:30pm