Pregnant Travel
International travel is safe for the majority of pregnant women, though risks common to all pregnancies are significant and require careful pre-departure preparation.
- Some medications are not approved for pregnant women (check with MotherRisk)
- Most travel-related vaccines are safe in pregnancy but risk must be carefully assessed in the context of benefits derived
- The immune response is moderated in pregnant women, increasing vulnerability to infectious diseases, particularly malaria, listerosis, and hepatitis E.
- Non-infectious diseases are the greatest source of risk in travel, including prematurity, gastrointestinal disorders, and Deep Vein Thrombosis
General Advice
- Pregnancies should be confirmed by a clinician
- All pregnant women should have a minimum of one ultrasound prior to departure
- Most airlines limit international travel for woman greater than 32-35 weeks gestation.
- Travel is contraindicated in the event of
- Severe anaemia
- Sickle cell disease
- Placenta previa or other placental disorders
- Increased risk or threatened premature labour (incompetent cervix, multiple gestation, or prior history of premature labour)
- Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure or toxemia
- Pregnancy increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis {hyperlink to article about Deep Vein Thrombosis???}
- Aisle seating on airplanes is preferred
- Health insurance policies may not cover health events related to the pregnancy
- Establish availability of healthcare services at destination
- Carry a complete summary of appropriate medical records including laboratory tests, results, and a copy of the ultrasound report
- Avoid dehydration, especially in hot climates
- Food and beverage precautions are particularly important because of increased vulnerability to pathogens.
- Motor vehicle safety is a priority
For more information:
Government of Canada (Page 15): www.voyage.gc.ca/publications/pdf/bon_depart-on_your_way-eng.pdf
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2014/chapter-8-advising-travelers-with-specific-needs/pregnant-travelers
The Pregnant Traveler: www.pregnanttraveler.com/articles/01.html
World Health Organization (Page 5): www.who.int/ith/ITH2010.pdf